Athina Paris

Athina Paris
Let Your Dreams Take Flight

Friday 31 January 2014


I am new at blogging.

I do not mean that I have never read any, which I do regularly, from able and professional writers, I simply mean that I have never written one myself.

Therefore, I have yet to develop a style, so this is my attempt at interacting with readers, new and seasoned, and bloggers of all types, and wait with bated breath for comments.

As I am a writer everyone suggested that I should blog about my work. I agree and disagree.

I will explain why I disagree first.

Don't you feel that some movie previews give too much information away? True, it's just a few minutes, but don't you often feel you no longer need to watch the film because you've already seen the best scenes? Therefore, why bother?

Given, movie people try to shroud their work in some secrecy, but sometimes they fail, and it's all out in public before the first theatre has been filled. Where is the anticipation, and excitement?

Why I agree and how I agree.

To create that very mystery I mentioned above, I should keep something of the content to myself, yet be forthcoming.

So I have decided to go about this in a different way. I will delve into the themes I write about and have discussions about those, instead of the story itself. This way, you'll know what I've written, but not how I've written it, and so possibly whet your appetite.

I will include excerpts at a later stage, perhaps after we have exhausted a topic, and you are free to make observations as you wish. All I ask for, is courtesy, even when we're losing our tempers. I know we can't all agree all the time.

Let me know what you think.